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Tungpui-pallet.com by Tung Pui (hk) Limited |
東沛(香港)有限公司由成立至今,提供可靠的托盤供應給廠家,倉庫和物流; 產品質優價廉。二手卡板慳錢又環保。品質深受業界肯定! 如閣下有任何問題,或想了解本公司最新優惠,請通過電子郵件e-mail: hktungpui@yahoo.com.hk或隨時致電熱線電話2117 2396 / 傳真電話3547 7048與本公司聯繫----專營各類塑膠卡板, 托盤, 膠托盤, 膠卡板, 紙卡板, 木卡板, 發泡膠, 泡沫, 塑膠制品, 塑膠制品, 紙制品, 包裝品, 特價品, 運輸服務, 九腳膠卡板, 九釘膠卡板, 十八爪膠卡板, 田字膠卡板, 輕型卡板, 重型卡板, 上架卡板, 雙面卡板, 蜂窩卡板, 坑紙卡板, 膠紙卡板, 紙合卡板, 發泡膠盒, 發泡膠片, 發泡膠磚, 捆箱膜, 捆膜, 保鮮紙, 縮膜, 芒紙, 氣珠紙, 珍珠棉(卷裝), 地膠, 裝板膠紙, 打包帶, 尼龍繩, 膠草繩, 封箱膠紙, 膠袋, 中空板, 膠坑紙, 膠箱, 紙護角, 蜂窩紙箱, 蜂窩紙板, 坑紙箱, 紙皮, 見坑紙, 紙滑板, 充氣袋, 麻繩, 木板, 運輸服務, 客貨車, 5.5T貨車, 16T貨車, 倉存。tung pui (HK) Limited [tungpui-pallet.com]----To provide reliable pallet supply to the manufacturers, warehouses and logistics. environmentally friendly second-hand pallet!If you have any questions, or would like to know the latest offers, please contact our company by e-mail: hktungpui@yahoo.com.hk or by phone 2117 2396we provide Plastic pallet, paper pallet, paper card board, wooden pallet, Styrofoam, Polyfoam, Polystyrene, paper product, packaging product, specials, Transport Services, Polyfoam box, Polyfoam film, Polyfoam sheet, Polyfoam block, Stretch Film, Bubble paper, PE foam, EPE, and plastic, packing tape, nylon rope, plastic straw, sealing tape, plastic bag, hollow board, plastic box, Paper angle, Honeycomb carton, honeycomb, Hang cardboard box, cardboard, corrugated paper, inflatable bags, Hemp rope, Van, 5.5T truck, 16T trucks, warehousing. |